Some of these changes might feel small, but in the end they make the biggest difference when it comes to gameplay. So we've put together this handy article with some details about what's new or different when it comes to modding these Bethesda titles on Game Pass for PC. If you're looking to get back into Skyrim but feel like the vanilla experience just doesn't deliver enough, there's a few more additional mods recommended for PC players. As you might have heard, Microsoft has recently added some of our most popular games to their Game Pass subscription service including Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4, Oblivion and Morrowind. Over the years, increasing immersion has been one of the many goals of fans. There's always new content and additional features players can try to spice up their gameplay experience. Updated April 9th, 2021 by Anastasia Maillot: Skyrim has survived over a decade as a successful open-world fantasy RPG, and much of it is because of how active the modding community is, even on console.

RELATED: Skyrim: The Top 10 Graphics Mods So Far We've already covered the Top 10 Graphics and Audio Mods for Skyrim, so let's run down a list of the top Immersion Mods that can turn Skyrim from a fun exploration game into a full-fledged "I'm really there!" experience. Getting lost in the vast, chilly province of Skyrim is probably the most enjoyable aspect of the game, and that level of immersion can be expanded on with a series of ultra-cool mods that inject new experiences into the game. Players love Skyrim because of how immersive the play experience is.